Сеть Stack Exchange состоит из 183 Q&A-сайтов, включая Stack Overflow, являющийся самым большим и наиболее надёжным онлайн-сообществом разработчиков, желающих учиться, делиться знаниями и строить свою карьеру.
I support online privacy, so I don't share much personal information on public locations.
I spend most of the time I'm active on the Stack Exchange Network on Stack Overflow busy with moderation or moderator activities, in SOCVR, and/or in Charcoal HQ.
I'm a moderator on Stack Overflow.
I'm a room owner (RO) in the SOCVR chat room, which is for support and discussion about user-level moderation of Stack Overflow.
I actively participate in the Charcoal project; am an RO in Charcoal HQ, and an admin on metasmoke, the server used with SmokeDetector. SmokeDetector and metasmoke are parts of the Charcoal project, which is focused on fighting spam and rude/abusive content across all of Stack Exchange.
I actively develop and/or maintain userscripts for both SOCVR (GitHub) and Charcoal HQ (GitHub: mostly FIRE and AIM), and have some userscripts for Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange which I've released myself (GitHub).